We have all your photo day questions covered here! Click on the question to see the answer!



    Every school is different and therefore has different requirements and processes for their school photo days. However, below is a general idea of what to expect.

    • Around 3 weeks before photo day, your school will be given flyers/envelopes with the details you will need about photo day and how to place your order. Teachers will distribute these to the students in their classrooms to bring home to the parents.
    • You can place an online order from the moment you receive this information and up to 10 days after the last photo day. If your school has chosen a cash option and you prefer to pay cash, this can only happen on photo day. It is important that cash envelopes are handed directly to the photographer via your child or your child's classroom teacher.
    • The school sets the schedule and decides on the location of the photos.
    • For sibling photos, please log in with your school code as soon as you receive your order flyer / envelope to view the information pertaining to your school.
    • Photography is done by classroom and according to the schedule set by your school.
    • Please remember that our photographers are visitors to your school, and they rely heavily on teaching and school staff for any information/tips/advice about your children (any special needs or requirements, anything we should know etc). They will capture the best image of your children within the guidelines provided.
    • If your school is having sibling photos before school, it is the parents' responsibility to ensure the children are lined up at the allocated time. If your school is having sibling photos during the school day, siblings will be called to the photography station via school staff, student helpers or via the school's PA system.
    • You have up to 10 days after the last photo day, to place your order online. Please note that cash orders can only be submitted on the day and must be handed directly to the photographer.
    • The wheels of production are set in motion on Day 11 as our team works through all the images and your orders to ensure you receive a quality product.
    • Approximately 3-4 weeks from photo day (if there are no delays during proofing by teachers), all orders are labelled, packed, and delivered to your school.
    • Your school office hands the classroom orders to the teachers for distribution to your children. Each classroom teacher will receive a detailed report to assist with order distribution.